If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got
Mark Twain
Lucinda has been my coach for almost six months and with her I have been able to achieve so much. I have been coached by others but found Lucinda's style to be the most effective. She never fails to remind me that I can have the life I want. This has been borne out by the real results I have seen both at work and at home.
Lucinda helps me see my life very clearly and understand exactly why I do what I do. She puts me at my ease while not allowing me to duck the issues! Basically, Lucinda’s coaching gets results. I have wholeheartedly recommended her to friends and colleagues and I know they have achieved real changes in their lives too.
Stella Sandys
Business Coach
The experience of the last few months has been a very rewarding one. I feel I have got to know myself a lot better and have resolved some fairly major issues that have been constant themes in recent years. My own productivity and general efficiency have increased and I feel much happier as a result. At times due to a demanding schedule I have wished that our weekly scheduled telephone conversation could be moved or postponed and at other times immediately prior to a call I have felt that I had achieved all I needed and was ready to quit. After each call however, I have always been pleased to have gone ahead and have felt better as a result. The old saying that "...sometimes you need to stop in order to go faster" is certainly true about Life-Coaching.
The experience may not work for everyone, as you need to be open to new ideas and a good deal of self realisation, but I would recommend to anyone to give it a go and I would whole heartedly recommend Lucinda as a coach.
Gavin Russell
Nokia Multimedia Business Group Director – UK & Ireland