If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got
Mark Twain
Coaching raises new awareness which creates learning and growth. It is action orientated and utilises motivational drives to ensure that real growth occurs. If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got. Coaching enables individuals to discover their true potential.
Coaching for organisations and individuals is an incredibly powerful strategy for growth and success.
It is a must for any organisation or individual that wants to be, do or have more.
Career coaching is different to careers advice or mentoring. It is based on the assumption that you are the expert and ultimately know what is right for you. Coaching poses the crucial questions that help you focus on the steps you need to take to get the rewards you deserve.
For years serious athletes have sought to fine tune their skills by working with sports coaches in order to be winners. Increasingly, professionals are recognising the need to do the same. They are looking for coaches to help enhance their performance, both professionally and personally.
To stay ahead in today’s world we need to view learning as a life long pursuit. Coaching is the key to change. It is the key to your hidden strengths.
The role of a coach in any session is to hold up a mirror. Where are you now and most importantly, where would you like to be? That is the springboard for exploring what actions are needed to achieve your goals.
If you want to make changes but don’t know where to start, you are ready for a life coach.
You can choose between three types of coaching sessions:
Coaching sessions operate for forty five minutes. The average number of sessions is eight, but you can decide how many you need.
For intensive coaching we offer three-hour sessions.
I do some pro bono coaching. If you feel you might qualify, please contact me.
We are currently offering a free introductory coaching session.
To arrange please call on 020 8408 1008 or e-mail lucinda@uevolve.co.uk